
Geography Nomenclature Set 13 - Homeschool Edition

Price: $28.76
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Product Overview

  • Designed with our easy cut system - 5 cuts or less. Requires only 3 cuts.
  • Printed on premium thick card stock. May be used unlaminated or laminated

This Geography Classified Nomenclature module deals with the general concepts of glacier features, water and ice formations, crevasse types, and moraine types.

The module includes:

  • Glacier Features:

    1. Glacier: A mass of ice moving due to gravity.
    2. Alpine or Valley Glaciers: Glaciers originating in mountains.
    3. Piedmont Glacier: Ice sheets at mountain bases.
    4. Continental Glacier: Large ice sheets covering land.
    5. Iceberg: Ice masses floating in the sea.
    6. Face: Sides of a glacier's crevasse.
    7. Crevasse: Vertical cracks in glaciers.
    8. Seracs: Ice pillars from steep slopes.
    9. Collective Basin: Snowfields in glacier-forming hollows.
    10. Ablatory Basin: Basins at glacier feet from melting.

    Water and Ice Formations:

    1. Water Course: Paths for water travel.
    2. Pooled Water: Land-surrounded water bodies.

    Crevasse Types:

    1. Marginal Crevasse: Perimeter crevasses.
    2. Transversal Crevasse: Crevasses from sharp turns.
    3. Longitudinal Crevasse: Crevasses from slope changes.
    4. Radial Crevasse: Crevasses from velocity differences.

    Moraine Types:

    1. Moraine: Rock material moved by glaciers.
    2. Lateral Moraine: Moraines along glacier sides.
    3. Terminal Moraine: Moraines marking glacier limits.
    4. Medial Moraine: Material from combined glaciers.

Booklets and wall charts are not included in the homeschool version. The three-part card format includes control cards, which children can use to match labels and pictures. If desired, these control cards can be bound and used as booklets. We have opted to exclude booklets and wall charts to make the homeschool edition more cost-effective.


Look at our Geography Flow Chart for Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary to see how this work fits in with the traditional Montessori geography curriculum.


View the Standards met through this material. Level 6-9

View the Standards met through this material. Level 9-12


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