
I Spy Language Activities

ETC Montessori

Price: $136.04
2.90 LBS
CPSIA Exempt
Available on:
Combination Plastic & Card Stock; Cut
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Product Overview

  • No Lamination Required.
  • Printed on Premium Thick Plastic, Cut and all corners rounded.
  • This material is ready to start using. No other prep work is needed.

This multi-purpose initial sounds activity comes complete with the following:

  • Initial Sounds Alphabet Frieze
  • Initial Sounds Booklet
  • Initial Sounds Picture Strips
  • 26 Objects

Children will be enticed by the life-like images which closely correspond to the accompanying objects. 

Teachers will find that the children reference the alphabet frieze displayed in the classroom with their work in movable alphabet and beginning story writing.

Frieze comes in 9 strips that can be combined end-to-end to form a long train around the room or on the floor.   

26 initial sound strips with corresponding pictures are included for additional work as children move towards abstraction. 

26 objects depicted on the frieze, the booklet, and the strips accompany this activity. 

Printed on thick plastic, cut and with all corners rounded. Alphabet Frieze is printed on thick card stock.

Card Size(s):

Alphabet Frieze  6¼ x 18 in.  16 x 45.7 cm.
Initial Sound Booklet 8½ x 5½ in. 21.6 x 14 cm.
Initial Sound Picture Strips 7¾ x 2 in 19.7 x 2.2 cm.
Initial Sound Pictures  2 x 2 in  2.2 x 2.2 cm.


2 ETC Acrylic Chart Holder - Small for the Initial Sound Picture strips

1 Clear Open Container - Small for the Initial Sound Pictures

2 Clear Open Container - Large for the 26 objects

1 Acrylic Sorter for the Booklet