
Phonogram Reading Series (Green) with Objects

ETC Montessori

Price: £556.62
13.00 LBS
CPSIA Exempt
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Product Overview

  • No Lamination Required.
  • Printed on Premium Thick Plastic, Cut and all corners rounded.
  • This material is ready to start using. No other prep work is needed.

This is the series more commonly referred to by many as the “Green” series; also known as the Phonogram series. With more than 80 objects* to accompany the activities, the materials in this series were developed not only using the traditional approach to phonemic awareness but also include activities that are based on current brain research. 

The phonograms introduced in this series are:

  • Long a: a_e, ai, ay
  • Long i: i_e, ie
  • Long o: o_e, oa, ow
  • Long u: u_e, ue
  • Long e: ea, ee
  • sh, ch, th, wh
  • ar, ir, or, ur
  • oo (wood) and oo (spoon)

This series contains 8 main sections with each section having the following sets of materials:

  • Beginning Decoding of Phonograms:
    • Objects (84 objects included)
    • Picture Word Building (84 pictures for phonogram word building)
  • Identification of phonogram sounds and association to their symbols:
    • Sorting Strips (4 strips with each strip containing 3 phonograms and 3 pictures for each phonogram)
  • Beginning Encoding of phonograms:
    • Object/Label Matching (Labels to match the included objects)
    • Picture/Word Matching (84 pictures and corresponding labels)
    • Puzzle Pictures (80 pictures that make vertical puzzles)
    • Middle Vowel Sorting Activity (36 frames that contain a picture and the beginning and ending sounds)
  • Encoding of phonograms:
    • Word Lists (2 types of words lists for a total of 54 word lists)
    • Short Vowel Words to Long Vowel (21 frames with each frame containing two words)
  • Reading phrases and sentences with phonograms for meaning:
    • Phrases to Objects (6 sets of phrase cards that go with corresponding objects)
  • Reading secret, words with phonograms (verbs and adjectives) for meaning:
    • Secret Words (Verbs contain 64 words; Adjectives contain 24 words)
  • Reading sentences with phonograms for meaning:
    • Matching Phrases and sentences to pictures (4 sets of 6 sentences with 6 pictures in each set – includes basic corresponding sight words)
    • Commands (Set of 8 command cards)
  • Reading phrases and sentences with phonograms for meaning:
    • Books (6 books with more than three letters, short vowel words, as well as sight words)



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