Product Overview
This timeline is based on the latest research, depicting the development of man from early Australopithecines to modern day Hominids, using actual photographs. Updated to show the current research depicting our possible common ancestry with Neanderthalensis, this timeline also shows the climatic, continental changes, and the development of tool technology.
With the official announcement of Homo naledi taking place in September, this edition now shows the estimated place of this new species in the genealogical tree of humans. Although the discovery took place in 2013 we postponed an update depicting this information until the official announcement, and acceptance of the facts by the scientific community was completed.
We recommend using the Human Migration Pattern Charts (ELC-5079) to show the dynamics of what drives man to migrate and explain the forces behind the rise and fall of human populations.
Pictures courtesy of Skulls Unlimited International
Pictures courtesy of Skulls Unlimited International
The Working Model Set Includes:
- Two Timelines:
- Control with text and pictures
- Mute with lines and background
- Movable Pieces printed on transparent material
- Labels
Look at our History Flow Chart for Upper Elementary to see how this work fits in with the traditional Montessori history curriculum.
Dimensions: 18" x 7 ft.
ETC Simple Horizontal Chart Holder - Medium or Large for Working Model
Tap or click below for a full view of the timeline: