
Verb Conjugation Level 9-12 Bundle

ETC Montessori

MSRP: $258.99
Price: $233.00
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15.75 LBS
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Product Overview

  • No Lamination Required.
  • Printed on Premium Thick Plastic and Cut.
  • This material is ready to start using. No other prep work is needed.

This bundle contains:

Verb conjugation refers to how a verb changes to show a different person, tense, number or mood. This material is also known as the "Big Red Verb Box".

An extension of the materials in Verb Conjugation Level 6-9 (ELC-6062) material, the child studies more complex conjugations of the verb "love". An extensive analysis is offered giving the child ample practice.  

Look at our Language Flow Chart for Upper Elementary to see how this work fits in with the traditional Montessori curriculum.


To view the standards that are met through each of these elements please follow the link to the item description of each item listed above.


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