
Geometric Constructions Using Cabri Jr.

ETC Montessori

Price: $41.04
0.50 LBS
CPSIA Exempt
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Product Overview

Aimed at advanced upper elementary and middle school students. 24 activities allow your students to explore traditional geometric constructions using only a compass and a straight edge.

Students are first guided through the concrete constructions using a compass and a straight edge. They are then moved into more abstract geometric concepts the use of Cabri Jr. for the TI-84 calculator.

You may download the app for your TI-84 graphing calculator directly from Texas Instrument by following the link here: DOWNLOAD

Each lesson is designed to engage students in group activities and analysis of concepts. Open ended questions are included with each lesson to encourage higher level thinking skills.

Constructions include:

  • Constructing congruent Segments
  • Constructing The Midpoint of any Given Segment
  • The Mascheroni Construction of Finding the Midpoint of a Segment
  • Constructing Congruent Angles
  • Constructing the Bisector of an Angle
  • Constructing an Equilateral Triangle
  • Constructing a Perpendicular Bisector of a Given Segment
  • Constructing the Perpendicular to a Line at a Given Point On the Line
  • Constructing the Perpendicular to a Line at a Given Point Not on the Line
  • Constructing a Parallel to a Given Line
  • Constructing a Square
  • Constructing a Right Triangle
  • Constructing an Isosceles Right Triangle
  • Constructing an Isosceles Trapezoid
  • Constructing the Orthocenter of a Given Triangle
  • Constructing the Centroid of a Triangle
  • Constructing a Tangent to a Circle at a Point On the Circle
  • Constructing a Tangent to a Circle Through a Point in the Exterior of the Circle
  • Finding the Center of a Circle
  • Circumscribe a Circle About a Given Triangle
  • Inscribe a Circle in a Triangle
  • Divide a Given Segment into Specified Number of Congruent Segments
  • Constructing a Fourth Segment in Proportion to Three Given Segments
  • Constructing a Segment Whose Length is the Geometric Mean of Two Other Segments

View the standards that are met through this material.

***For those who want to use the calculator to perform these constructions please note that the TI-84 Plus comes preloaded with the application. No additional purchases are required. If you are using the TI-83 you will need to visit the Texas Instrument Educational website to download Cabri Jr. free of charge. ***