
Understanding Graphs and Their Uses Level 9-12

ETC Montessori

Price: €110,18
3.80 LBS
CPSIA Exempt
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Product Overview

  • No Lamination Required.
  • Printed on Premium Thick Plastic and Cut.
  • This material is ready to start using. No other prep work is needed.

Continuing from where level 6-9 ends, this set of Montessori curriculum may be used in conjunction with Introduction to Graphs level 6-9 cards or as a standalone module. 

Higher level math skills involving predictions and beginning algebra are all represented graphically. Students are guided to view mathematics, giving them the ability to understand that mathematics is not a set of arbitrary skills and procedures. Graphing skills are presented in ways that become relevant to students' everyday lives. Incorporating situations from science, commerce, politics, social studies, transportation, sports and medicine, students learn to analyze data and represent it in a variety of ways.

Introduces students to the use of graphing calculators and the internet as a data resource.

The set includes task cards, and activities that allow them to understand and use or apply the following graphical ideas. You can find additional information and historical explanations on the use of these types of graphs by downloading or viewing the Answer Key:

  • Bar Graphs
  • Coordinate Graphs
  • Line Graphs, Mean
  • Mode, Median
  • Histograms and the derivation of a frequency polygon
  • Box Plots
  • Scatter Plots and
  • Stem and Leaf Plots
  • Strike the imagination graph
  • Matching a story to a graph


Look at our Upper Elementary Math Flow Chart to see how this work fits in with the traditional Montessori math curriculum.

Teacher's NotesPlease note that the graphs and many of the activities in this set of materials are to be performed as group projects/activities and their intention is to generate discussions of how and why. These graphs are meant to promote investigative learning rather than just rote problem solving you would find in worksheets.

Answer Key: Download the answer key. Answer key is being made available strictly online.

Updated pages for Box Plots

View the Standards met through this material


3 ETC Large Slotted Containers


3 ETC Acrylic Sorters



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